The Open Network (TON) proves it is the worlds fastest and most scalable blockchain
–News Direct–
Verified and confirmed by Certik, TON blockchain hit a record of 104,715 transactions per second (TPS) during a public, live-streamed stress test
The Open Network Foundation (TON Foundation) has today announced that, during a successful live-streamed stress test, the TON blockchain has proven that it is the worlds fastest and most scalable public blockchain. The TON testnet was launched on 256 validators. Under heavy load, the testnet split into 512 shards, enabling the network to achieve a speed of 104,715 TPS. The unprecedented success of this test has proven TON capable of being the infrastructure layer for the Web3 ecosystem in Telegram and large enterprises seeking to create blockchain-based products, as well as a global decentralized network ready to usurp traditional ...